Monday, 26 May 2014

Haunted Bhangarh Fort : The Ghost Town of Rajasthan

Haunted Bhangarh Fort : The Ghost Town of Rajasthan

 Garden at Bhangarh Premises

Bhangarh is a deserted town with some 10000 dwellings established in 1613 

by Madho Singh, younger brother of great Mughal general, Man Singh of 

Amber. Bhangarh was abandoned soon after being built and supposedly after it was 

cursed by a magician. Bhangarh fort offers an intact view of the medieval past. 


the Bhangarh town had been desolated by an old mughal invasion, and is just reverting 

back to being habited again.

 Chhatri on the hill top on the side of Bhangarh fort

Bhangarh premises are enclosed by a partially ruined wall. Other than dwellings, ruins 

of Bhangarh also include gardens, havelisbanyan trees and temples of 

Lord Someshwargopinathmangla devi andKeshava rai. But the enigmatic attraction is 


 secluded chhatri on the hill top which catches attention of all the travelers. In entirety,


random placement of all these sites within Bhangarh premises may look freighting and 

mysterious at the same time.

 Ajabgarh Fort near Bhangarh

Other Forts near Bhangarh:

There are some other forts near Bhangarh those were also built in the same era 

and share

the related history. Ajabgarh is a picturesque garrison fort 

between Bhangarh and Pratapgarh, with a lovely reservoir 

nearby. Ajabgarh fort was 

built by Ajab Singh Rajawat, The grandson of Madho Singh.Ajabgarh fort is in 


 condition, and offers an incredible panoramic view of the eponymous walled town 

and the

 well –preserved, but less visited temple of

 Shri Raghunath ji and old chhatris, all nearby.Pratapgarh is a remarkable fort 

situated on

 hill top which dominates the region. Pratapgarh and its vicinity are famous for its .


surrounding and scenic countryside. Pratapgarh town has two temples and a 


ASI Sign Board at Bhangarh

Archeological importance of the haunted town of Bhangarh:

Bhangarh is an ancient town of archeological importance. During recent


different types of tools used by early man have been recovered from the pre-

historical site 

of Bhangarh. The old town ofBhangarh, as the ruins show was surrounded on

 three sides 

by elevated hills where wild undergrowth is seen today. There were natural springs and

 waterfalls there and one such is found near the temple of lordSomeshwar. The


l survey of India (ASI) has put up a sign board at Bhangarh stating (among 


“Entering the borders of Bhangarh before sunrise and after sunset is strictly 


Lot of tourists who visit this Bhangarh affirms that there is a strange feeling in the 

atmosphere of Bhangarh, which causes symptoms of anxiety and restlessness.

 A Passage through ruined Dwellings

Bhangarh ghosts: Myths, Curse, Devastation and horror stories:

Madho Singh built the town of Bhangarh with the approval of an ascetic 

Baba Balanath, who

 meditated there, though Baba Balanath predicted “look my dear chap! The 

moment the 

shadow of your palace touches me you are undone. The city shall be no more!” In 

ignorance Ajab Singh, the grandson of MadhoSingh raised the palace to such a 

height that 

the shadow reached the forbidden place. Hence the devastation of entire town 

of Bhangarh happened.

Temple with backdrop of chhatri inside Bhangarh ruins

The another and stronger myth goes as follow:

tantric battle engaged between the gorgeous queen Ratnavati and the wicked 

sorcerer Singhia Sevra, who was attracted by the queen’s beauty. Desperately, he 

tried to 

trap her in his magical ploy, and failed every time, as the queen herself was a 

master in 

the tantric art.The last battle took place on the day when the queen losing 

eventually her 

temper, transformed a glass bottle containing the massaging oil into a big rock and 

hurled it

 towards the hill-top and the rock started rolling towards the wicked tantric

Sensing his

 looming death, Tantric concentrated all his powers and spatted his dying curse:  “I 



you too, youRatnavati shall not live here anymore. Neither you, nor your kin and 

these walls

 of the city, none shall see the morning sun!” In that night, all the treasure of 

the Bhangarh was transferred to the new site ofAjabgarh and the next morning 

everything was leveled to the ground after a severe commotion. And as per the


tales, Ratnavati died in the very next year during a battle 

between Bhangarh and Ajabgarh.

Singhia Sevra (Wicked tantricchhatri can be seen on the top of the hill.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Some useful Google tools

1. Google Correlate
A part of Google Trends, this tool allows you to look at search trends over time. For example, input "soup" and you'll see a clear increase in searches during the winter months.
The more fascinating part of Google Correlate is the Search by Drawing function. Draw a fun graph and Correlate will give you search keywords that best match your graph creation.

2. Google Trends
Look at trends in hot searches with Google Trends. Browse by date, or look at top searches in different categories with the new Top Charts function.
Finally, with the Explore function, input a search term and see how it trended over time and location. You can also now view popular searches in a colorful fullscreen format.

3. Google Think Insights
Home to an abundance of resources, Google Think Insights is a useful tool for entrepreneurs and industry professionals.
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Google Fonts offers open source web fonts for all to use privately or commercially. As of now, there are 629 font families available. Filter fonts by thickness, slant, width and script 

6. Google Keep
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The easy-to-use interface is a simple app for those looking to do basic note-keeping on-the-go.